Source code for ocdsextensionregistry.exceptions

[docs] class OCDSExtensionRegistryError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions from within this package"""
[docs] class DoesNotExist(OCDSExtensionRegistryError): """Raised if an object wasn't found for the given parameters"""
[docs] class MissingExtensionMetadata(OCDSExtensionRegistryError): """Raised if a method call requires extensions metadata, with which the extension registry was not initialized"""
[docs] class NotAvailableInBulk(OCDSExtensionRegistryError): """Raised if files are required to be available in bulk, but are not"""
class UnknownLatestVersion(OCDSExtensionRegistryError): """Raised if the latest version of an extension can't be determined""" class CommandError(OCDSExtensionRegistryError): """Errors from within this package's CLI""" class OCDSExtensionRegistryWarning(UserWarning): """Base class for warnings from within this package""" class ExtensionWarning(OCDSExtensionRegistryWarning): """Used when an extension file can't be read.""" def __init__(self, extension, exc): self.extension = extension self.exc = exc def __str__(self): klass = self.exc.__class__ return f"{self.extension}: {klass.__module__}.{klass.__name__}: {self.exc}" class ExtensionCodelistWarning(OCDSExtensionRegistryWarning): """Used when a codelist file can't be read.""" def __init__(self, extension, codelist, exc): self.extension = extension self.codelist = codelist self.exc = exc def __str__(self): klass = self.exc.__class__ return f"{self.extension}({self.codelist}): {klass.__module__}.{klass.__name__}: {self.exc}"